

Japanese 日本語

All language classes in CGS are Honors level classes, they are rigorous but rewarding to take. In Japanese 1 you will learn the fundamentals of Japanese, reading, writing, and speaking. In Japanese 2 students will explore kanji (Chinese characters). After Japanese 2 students have to decide whether or not to enroll in the IB program where Japanese culture will be the focal point of the class. Grammar, and Comprehension will also be at an accelerated rate. If students do decide to stay in Honors Japanese they will learn Japanese at the same pace as they were the last 2 years.

Kanako Itano-Malstrom (aka Keiko Sensei) is the Japanese teacher for students taking Honors Japanese 1 and 2 as well as IB Initio ab SL 1 and 2. A tenured teacher of CGS she has guided students through the complex language that is Japanese for many years and many more to come.

Sean Driscoll (aka Sean) teaches Honors Japanese 3 and 4. For more information about Sean visit the Humans of CGS page.

Chinese 中文

Did you know that Chinese language doesn’t have an alphabet per se? Chinese is a fascinating language because it is one of the oldest languages in the world. Mastering Chinese even at a basic level is considered a personal triumph. Chinese is all about characters – thousands of them. Now, I know you might be thinking that it sounds overwhelming. Don't worry, your Chinese teachers in CGS will give you the tools to unlock the mysteries of Chinese language so that you can understand, speak, read and write in Chinese. As you know, learning any new language or acquiring new skills may be overwhelming at first, but if you are inquisitive and curious, uncovering the beauty of Chinese language will give you a great sense of accomplishment and pride. Find out what to expect when you learn Chinese language and culture in CGS.

Arabic عربي

Arabic is one of the 3 focus languages here at CGS. Students will not only learn how to read and write in Arabic, but they will also become familiar with the culture and history of countries in the Middle East.

Every year Ustez Eldigwy, the lead Arabic instructor for CGS, leads students on trips to the Middle East. Among them was the Qatar study tour during the 2019-20 school year.